In many ways it seems that we live in an ever-worsening culture of crude, rude, and vulgar speech and behavior. Respect now has the same status as a precious, limited resource like diamonds, oil, or clean water. Too often we hear ourselves complaining that “today’s children just have no respect for people or anything for Read More

“Honor” is a word that we hear today primarily in relation to the brave men and women of our armed forces, and perhaps occasionally in our personal lives. With notable exceptions, it’s far more common to observe “dishonor” from many politicians, business people, celebrities, and fellow citizens on a daily basis. Honor can either mean Read More

We live in a world where the pressure to “fit in” is tremendous, magnified now by mobile and social media, fast food, consumerism, crime, and other daily challenges. Many believe the “peer approval” demand is affecting our children in the worst ways possible. Thanks to technology, peer pressure and bullying aren’t just limited to the Read More
We all have dreams in life, and most realize that in order to achieve those dreams, we must set goals, a road map, and a time frame to get them. This reality isn’t just true for grown-ups; it’s true for children as well. The dictionary defines a goal as an “observable and measurable end result Read More
Protecting yourself and your children is not always an easy task in the world today. Since we can’t physically protect them 24/7, it is imperative that we teach them to defend themselves. Children face a wide variety of dangers in society today, from bullies to all kinds of predators. Teaching your children self-defense isn’t just Read More