Karate Class Structure Promotes Self-Discipline in Kids

Every child needs a certain amount of structure and routine in his or her life to feel fundamentally secure and confident. Lacking structure is detrimental to his or her growth. Structured activities encourage them to follow a lifestyle of discipline. A well-structured environment for children enables parents to create an atmosphere of authority and respect.

When we provide a structured environment for our children, we’re basically allowing them to figure out how the world works. They learn how to deal with failures and disappointments, as well as their powers and limitations. It gives them an opportunity to adopt skills and develop positive traits and habits that will be very useful to them in the long run.

How to provide a structured environment

The basic component of a structured environment is discipline. Expectations are clear. Misbehavior has consequences. Goals are set and met. Routine and order are upheld. Clearly, younger children require much more direct guidance than older ones. As a parent, it is your responsibility to decide how your child spends his or her time, and to arrange for his or her participation in wholesome learning activities. The earlier they learn to control themselves, obey rules, and show integrity and good manners, the stronger the results will be from their self-discipline becomes as they mature and set higher goals. Freedom and trust can be earned and re-earned gradually as they progress in maturity, stature, awareness, and responsibility.

Introducing a routine into your child’s life can help him or her become more disciplined and give them the ability to face challenges as they grow older. Change is an inevitable part of life and children experience many changes throughout their childhood. A fixed routine can give them a sense of comfort, predictability, and security. Once they master a particular routine, they can go on to try more challenging ones.

Karate as a structured environment

Karate is an excellent way to introduce a little structure into your child’s life. Karate is a highly disciplined art form that teaches students of all ages, especially kids, to control their focus at all times. Karate classes teach your children to respect authority, understand the risks and consequences of disobedience, and the importance of sticking to a routine. Karate follows strict rules concerning authority that are similar to the military. Your child will be taught to follow the teacher’s demonstrative instructions, and practice each move with sincerity until it can be replicated independently. This kind of self-discipline repeated over and over is value that will truly be beneficial to them in the long run. Karate teaches children that a disciplined approach is the only way to overcome challenges and limitations.

How Kids’ Karate Teaches Discipline

This article is about how children’s Martial Arts programs teach kids self-control and self-discipline.

Kids’ Karate at Pouncing Tigers Martial Arts Academy

Parents bring their children to our unique Karate program for a variety of reasons. Our Martial
Arts programs motivate and lead youngsters to slim down, improve their body image, and increase self-esteem. Martial Arts bolsters their self-worth and helps them learn to become opinion leaders,to resist bullying, and to have confidence in themselves. Most importantly to some parents, our Pouncing Tigers Martial Arts Academy children’s program is a fun and effective means of teaching better self-discipline.

Studying Martial Arts in Harlem is hard work for anyone. Steady improvement requires pushing one’s self to surpass previous boundaries, whether physical, mental, or otherwise. Our Karate program for kids is an excellent means of instilling appreciation for the results that focus, sincere effort, and perseverance can achieve. Many kids come into our school lacking focus or direction. Some have had minor disciplinary issues at home or school. Kids’ Karate teaches even the most rambunctious to use good manners, follow reasonable rules, give and receive respect, and get along well with others.

Martial Arts are physical disciplines as well as mental. To progress to the next rank or level, one must genuinely apply himself or herself on a regular basis, thereby creating a “good” habit. For students to do well in our kids’ Karate program, they must act with focus and determination which many have never before experienced. Many parents happily observe that, after some time in our Martial Arts program for children, their once misbehaved or discourteous kids begin to carry their new-found focus and determination into other areas of life such as their school work.

Pouncing Tigers Martial Arts Academy offers a curriculum imbued not only with Martial Arts techniques, but also containing a series of valuable life skills. This system was developed in order to help children develop wholesome, productive values such as respect, courtesy, self-discipline, self-esteem, self-confidence, and listening skills. Results commonly observed by parents whose children participate in the kids’ Karate program include improved grades at school and better social skills when interacting with their peers (such as bullying prevention and peer pressure resistance), siblings, and grown-ups.

Our Martial Arts for children program assists students in three fundamental areas off the martial arts mat: at home, at school, and in social settings. We also invite parents to create their own “wish list” to better allow our instructors to target specific problem behaviors and help minimize or eliminate them. And while our kids program is ideal for teaching kids discipline, most kids stay in the program because it is fun.

If you would like to find out more about how our kids’ Karate program can help empower your child with exemplary self-discipline, call today or complete the contact form and we’ll call you!